1981 – now
2 children (2011 + 2013)
Here is a brief timeline of my on-going journey of learning, peeling off layers, de-conditionning, de-colonising, rising, and having fun researching on health, movement and subtle energies:
Dance / Movement
- How to Ask for What You Want: A Wheel of Consent Course for the BIPOC & LGTBQIA+ community, with Max Pearl and Sasha Lasdon (online, 6 weeks).
- Assistant of Deborah Lewin and Aileen Reed (Open Floor), Edinburgh (UK) (Nov, 2 days).
- Ground Floor Lab, Open Floor (September, 5 days)
- Decolonizing our ways, with Kaia Hawkins, Open Floor (July-August)
- Butoh workshop on Metamorphosis with Yael Karavan (1-2 June)
- Contact Improvisation workshop on Water with Yaniv Mintzer (3 days in May)
- Assistant of Deborah Lewin (Open Floor) Newcastle (UK) – (2,5 days in May).
- Horses in the Ink, dance & poetry workshop with Villy Tichkova (Open Floor), April-May.
- Open Floor Teacher Training, with Deborah Lewin, Lucie Nerot and Sara Davies (2,5 years program)
Sexual health and well-being
- CervixHoney – exploration of the cervix – with Clara (January-February)
- Producer and assistant of Libido Fundamentals – Embodied Sexuality with Monika Körschner (dance research on sexuality) – February.
- Erotic Embodiment classes (online) Institute of Somatic Sexology.
Dance / Movement
- Open Floor Teacher Training, with Deborah Lewin, Lucie Nerot and Sara Davies(2,5 years program)
- Gaga classes (online)
- Dr. Martha Eddy‘s embodiment classes (online)
Energy work / accompaniment
- Systemic constellation training with Neta Artzi (April-May-June 2023)
Sexual health and well-being
- Erotic Embodiment classes (online) Institute of Somatic Sexology.
Dance / Movement
- Butoh workshops with : Minako Seki (the Seki Method), Yael Karavan, Mushimaru Fujieda & Sowaka Maka
Open Floor Teacher Training, with Deborah Lewin, Lucie Nerot and Sara Davies(2,5 years program) - Body-Mind Centering with Nina Wehnert (research on the Heart)
- Butoh workshops with : Minako Seki (the Seki Method), Yael Karavan, Mushimaru Fujieda & Sowaka Maka
Womyn health
- First Aid for Birth with Ruth Ehrhardt
- Homebirth for twins and breech babies with Deborah Rhodes, from Da-a-Luz
True Midwifery, mentoring for traditional birth keeping, with Ruth Ehrhardt, Samara Hawthorn and Alex Alonso (online) - Conscious Contraception Skillshare, ecourse by Samantha Zipporah
- Miscarriage & Abortion Support, ecourse by Samantha Zipporah
Sexual health and well-being
- Erotic Embodiment classes (online) Institute of Somatic Sexology.
Dance / Movement
- Deep Focus, with Adam Barley (5 rythms, inner work through movement and witnessing)
- Arrabida Dance Gathering 16th and 17th (contact dance, gaga, contemporary dance, Butoh, dance theater) with Pedro Paz, Natalia Vik, Louise Chardon, Yael Karavan…
- Contact impro (various intensive workshop : with Irene Coto Alvarez, Vega Lukkonen,…)
- Introduction to Butoh (Yael Karavan, Aude Fondard, and online)
- Introduction to Social Presencing Theater with Rita Venturini (Quinta Tenchi)
- Gaga classes online
Womyn health
- Holistic Gynecology with Marie Pénélope Péres (online)
- True Midwifery, mentoring for traditional birth keeping, with Ruth Ehrhardt, Samara Hawthorn and Alex Alonso (online)
Sexual health and well-being
- Erotic Embodiment classes (online) Institute of Somatic Sexology.
- Arrabida Dance Gathering 13th (contact dance, gaga, contemporary dance) Pedro Paz, Catarina Ascensao, Natalia Vik…
- Kali practices, teaching of Daniel Odier online (non-duality, path of the spontaneous awakening)
- Awakening the feminine with Juliet Haines (online – 1 year program)
- Shamanic rituals and ceremonies
Dance / Movement
- Body Mind Centering with Louise Chardon (6 months cycle)
- Arrabida Gathering 9th, contact dance, gaga, contemporary dance…
Reproductive health
- True Midwifery, traditional birth keeping training, Ruth Ehrhardt, Samara Hawthorn and Alex Alonso (Portugal)
Energy work
- Theta Healing : Dig Deeper with Nicole Sulzbacher
- Assistant of Luna Nurit Burstein Nevo (Theta Healing Basic DNA and Advanced DNA)
- Shamanic rituals and ceremonies
- Kashmiri massage, yoga of touch, with Daniel Odier (Germany)
- Kashmiri Yoga, teaching of the non-duality, path of the spontaneous awakening, Tandava (dance meditation) with Daniel Odier (Paris, France).
- Assistant of Luna Nurit Burstein Nevo for a training of Theta Healing Basic DNA
- Shamanic rituals and ceremonies
- Kashmiri Yoga, teaching of the non-duality, path of the spontaneous awakening, Tandava (dance meditation) and Kashmiri massag e (yoga of touch)with Daniel Odier (Lausanne, Switzerland, & Rome, Italy).
- Communication with trees with Daniel-Bar Feuerstein (Portugal)
- Theta Healing Basic and Advanced DNA with Luna Nurit Burstein Nevo (Portugal)
- Shamanic rituals and ceremonies
- Core shamanism training, with Gertrude Croé (Brussels, Belgium)
- Shamanic rituals and ceremonies
- 5Rhythms & Open Floor (conscious dance) with Anne-Mieke Haanzen (Brussels, Belgium)
- Movement Medicine (Belgium)
- Creative intimacy, with Fabrice George and Muriel Claeys (Belgium)
- Shamanic retreat around the sacred feminine with Carine Thiran and Anne-Chantal Misson (Belgium)
- Liquid Body Touch, workshop with Felix Falkenhahn (Brussels, Belgium)
- Tuina pediatrics, Chinese massage for children with master Elizabeth Martens, Haute Ecole Ilya Prigogine CREA-HELB (Brussels, Belgium)
- Iyengar Yoga, Willy Bok and Rita Poelvoorde studio (Ixelles, Belgium)
- Mindfulness cycle, with Laura Perichon (Brussels, Belgium)
- Zen meditation
2013 – 2014
- Traditional Chinese Medicine modules, with master Elizabeth Martens, Haute Ecole Ilya Prigogine CREA-HELB (Brussels, Belgium):
– Study of the meridian system in Chinese medicine
– Philosophical and practical foundations of Chinese medicine.
– Chi Nei Zang (Chinese massage of organs and viscera). - Iyengar Yoga, Willy Bok and Rita Poelvoorde studio (Ixelles, Belgium)
- Zen meditation
- Photography (digital and silver film) : Rhok Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten (Brussels, Belgium).
- Iyengar Yoga, Willy Bok and Rita Poelvoorde studio (Ixelles, Belgium)
- Zen meditation
- Shiatsu retreat (diagnostic) with Sensei Yuichi Kawada (Brussels, Belgium).
- Body weather (bodywork for dancers), with Ozan Aksoyek
- Iyengar Yoga, Willy Bok and Rita Poelvoorde studio (Ixelles, Belgium)
- Zen meditation
- Photography (silver film) : School of Arts of Ixelles (Brussels, Belgium)
- Iyengar Yoga, Willy Bok and Rita Poelvoorde studio (Ixelles, Belgium)
- Zen meditation
- Shiatsu retreat (extraordinary meridians) with Sensei Yuichi Kawada (Rochefort, Belgium)
- Shiatsu mentoring by Sensei Yuichi Kawada
- Iyengar Yoga, Willy Bok and Rita Poelvoorde studio (Ixelles, Belgium)
- Zen meditation
- Traditional Thai Yoga Massage, with Itzhak Helman (Lahu village, Chang-Mai, Thailand)
- Shiatsu retreat (extraordinary meridians) with Sensei Yuichi Kawada (Rochefort, Belgium)
- Photography course (silver film technics, history of photography) with Scott Typaldos (Brussels)
- Iyengar Yoga, Willy Bok and Rita Poelvoorde studio (Ixelles, Belgium)
- Contemporary dance (Yantra dance studio)
- Zen meditation
2005 – 2008
- Shiatsu training with Sensei Yuchi Kawada, Yoseido Shiatsu School (Brussels, Belgium)
- Zen meditation
2002 – 2003
Master in International Politics, Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
1998 – 2002
- BA in Economics, University of Sussex (Brighton, UK)
- Maîtrise de Sciences Economiques, Université Pierre Mendès France (Grenoble, France)
1984 – 2002 : the base of my dance journey
- Contemporary dance (France, 1998-2002, Belgium 2008)
- African dance (Brighton, UK, 2000-2002)
- Ballet (Grenoble, France, 1984 – 1998)
Contact :
anais (at) anaistamen.com
Signal (Telegram, signal or Whatsapp) : +33782269919