
Spontaneous solo home dance practice + spoken words.

These words emerged during a dance & poetry session held by Villy Tichkova.

I am not I
I am it
the infinite field of grasshoppers
the infinite ripples of water circles
the infinite song in your mouth

I am it
the wind
the grasshopper
the pebble

I am it
your breathe
my breathe
the eyelids of my babies
opening to the world

the wolf
the deer
the gold

I am it
the unspoken
the bare truth
the raw light of love

I am it
your no
my yes
and everything in between

(25th March 2024)


My skin is the sky*
an infinite shadow of dust, leaves and pebbles. Some feathers maybe. Fallen grace in the absence of gaze. I would remember the sound of joy if you would scream my name.
Home. Nest. My skin as a soft nest for you for me.
I wish you could witness the gold on my heart skin.

(25th March 2024)

Notes :

* this sentence is not from me
** “underskin tatooes” is a reference to Audre Lorde in “Zami, a new spelling of my name”, who describes the memory of her lover as emotional tattoos left on her skin forever.

Beautiful Darkness – dance videos

Triana #2Octobre 2021 (text in french, dance video under the full moon)

Pre-verbal grief danced rituals

#3 – May 2021 (dance video)
Music : Gustavo Santaolalla – De Ushuaia A La Quiaca

#2 – April 2021 (dance, video)
Music : DakhaBrakha – Specially for you

#1 – March 2021 (dance, video)
Music : DakhaBrakha – Specially for you

Beautiful darkness is also a performance and a book, available in French and in Portuguese.

Beautiful darkness est aussi une performance et un livre, disponible en français et en portugais.

Bela Escuridão é também uma performance e um livro, disponível em francês e em português.


Alentejo, 2019, self-prcatice – Authentic Movement

The dancer

while in a small flat, with a beautiful wooden floor, in an overheated Paris for few days, summer 2017. Music : The dancer, Ane Brun.
