Blindfolded journey

Blindfolded journey with live music

Sunday 26th of November
Monte Maravilhas
São Martinho das Amoreiras
+/-20€ (adjusted to your financial reality)

Reservation necessary (at least 24h before please)

Blindfolded dance is a direct gateway to meet ourselves in a profound and raw authenticity.

In the potent space of darkness, we are revealed to ourselves in full light, encountering the whispers of our heart & soul, our longings, needs, limitations,… A more truthfull way to move and interact emerges.

I am pleased to co-create another safe and gentle container to explore by yourself or in connection, with the enchanting live soundscapes of Yoav.

For more information about us :

Yoav @TapanYo


If you have any questions, and for reservations, please contact me

Looking forward to feel you there.